Thursday, December 30, 2010

reaction paper

Ayu P. Masuyoshi                                                                               December 30, 2010
II- AB- Psychology(Manresa)                                                                        Econ111/7:40-8:40/MWF

Heavy Advertising Targeted At Children
Marketers see children as a future — as well as current — market and hence brand loyalty at a young age helps in the quest of continued sales later.
The Journal of the American Medical Association has said that children between the ages of two and seventeen watch an annual average of 15,000 to 18,000 hours of television, compared with 12,000 hours spent per year in school. Children are also major targets for TV advertising, whose impact is greater than usual because there is an apparent lessening of influence by parents and others in the older generation.… According to the [Committee on Communications of the American Academy of Pediatrics], children under the age of two should not watch television at all because at that age, brain development depends heavily on real human interactions.
— Ben H. Bagdikian, The Media Monopoly, Sixth Edition, (Beacon Press, 2000), p. xxxvi
In the European Union, revenues to television networks and producers have reached between $620 and $930 million.

Reaction Paper
            Today, we can see that the market uses children to commercialized things to be able to attract people so that it will level up the economy and help everything about economics. As we all know that children of today are the one who chooses what they want and what they like. And because children are the one who commercialized products and also children are the one who always watched television and the one who know what is the latest they are the one who encourages their parents to buy what they had saw. In the article we can see that below the year of two the children are not allowed to watch television but since today the one who take care of the children are the primary watchers so that even children don’t like to watch they have nothing to do but watch because they don’t have any choice. And because older people can’t longer attract people, the market now chooses children to attract people.